Coop Overview

Years in Service

AIM-MPC Branches

Members as of Today

Website Visitors

AIM-MPC History

AIM-MPC Building (Main Branch)

The Avon Independent Managers’ Multi-Purpose Cooperative or AIM-MPC was registered with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) on Feb. 28, 1992. It was organized primarily to promote the habit of thrift with an in house where they can save, make available loans for productive and providential purposes and provide members with continuous education on how to benefit from joining the cooperative. Its membership was then exclusively for four branches consisting about two hundred (200) supervisors.

It was registered with fifteen cooperators with initial paid up capital of THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ONLY (P37,500.00). It was founded in 1989 upon the direction of Former Avon General Manager Jose Mari Franco with Franchise Manager Tomasa M. Montemayor as the founding Chairperson.

Avon Independent Dealers’ Credit Cooperative Incorporated (AID-CCI) was the original name changed to Avon Independent Managers’ Credit Cooperative or AIM-CC in 1999 and finally changed to AIM-MPC in 2003. The first provincial branches to join were Dagupan and Cabanatuan in 1997 and all Avon provincial branches enlisted in the Cooperative in 2005.

AIM-MPC 30th Anniversary "Road to 1 Billion"

Organizational Chart


Violeta Kalalo

Hpi bday to our Coop AIMMPC.. Thanks for everything. Proud of being one of the members of our association. More Luck

Nelia Sarahan Goyena

Congrats Aim Mpc! More Power & Mabuhay!

Angelina Cosas

God bless AIM MPC and all members! To God be the Glory! Congratulations us all!

Daisy Tamayo Rimando

Wow Congrats! God Bless AIM MPC and All Members. Thank You Lord Jesus.

Maria Luz Somera

Congrats to all of us mga kamay-ari. Thank you Lord!!!

Loan Portfolio

Productive/Regular Loan

Loan Amount Regular Term Paylite
From To Months
1,000.00 4,500.00 6 months 8 months
5,000.00 10,000.00 8 months 9-12 months
11,000.00 24,000.00 8 months 13-18 months
25,000.00 25,000.00 12 months 13-18 months
26,000.00 49,000.00 12 months 19-14 months
50,000.00 50,000.00 18 months 19-14 months
51,000.00 74,000.00 18 months 25-30 months
75,000.00 99,000.00 24 months 25-30 months
100,000.00 100,000.00 30 months 25-30 months
101,000.00 200,000.00 30 months 31-36 months
201,000.00 299,000.00 30 months 37-42 months
300,000.00 300,000.00 36 months 37-42 months
301,000.00 400,000.00 36 months 43-48 months
401,000.00 499,000.00 36 months 49-60 months
500,000.00 500,000.00 42 months 49-60 months
501,000.00 999,000.00 42 months 61-72 months
1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 48 months 61-72 months
1,001,000.00 1,999,000.00 48 months 73-84 months
2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 54 months 73-84 months
2,001,000.00 2,999,000.00 54 months 85-96 months
3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 60 months 85-96 months
3,001,000.00 3,999,000.00 60 months 97-108 months
4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 66 months 97-108 months
4,001,000.00 6,000,000.00 66 months 109-120 months

Bridging Loan

Calamity Loan

Special Loan

Share Capital Amount Payment Term
P 100,000 - up P 50,000 9-12 months
P 80,000 - P 99,999 P 40,000 9-12 months
P 50,000 - P 79,999 P 30,000 9-12 months
P 20,000 - P 49,999 P 15,000 4-8 months

Trip Loan

  • For international trips, a copy of passport (valid six months prior to departure date) must be submitted.
  • No cancellation shall be allowed after booking is made.
  • Member shall pay the full amount of trip cost and other charges if cancellation occurs.
  • Payment may be through cash, post-dated-check or full deduction from another loan window.
  • Providential Loan

    Privilege Loan

    Back to Back Loan

    Productive B2B Loan

    Regular B and Associate Member`s Loan

    Savings Deposit Loan

    Time Deposit Loan

    Holiday Season Loan

    Medical & Pre-Need Assistance Loan

    To help our members in time of need. Limited to the following:
  • Twilight Program (P3,000.00 w/ secondary)
  • Life insurance (1CISP-MABS P1,180.00)
  • Health card (1Coop Health P4,300.00)
  • Maxicare E-Ready Advance (P800.00-11K)
  • St. Peter Life Plan (P8,700.00)
  • Medical Cash Loan
  • 1COOPHEALTH’s goal is to provide cooperative members with:
  • Affordable healthcare
  • Affordable healthcare to the aging population
  • Who are the enrollees?:

    Ages and Premium

  • 18-65 years old – Regular Premium (P4,300.00)
  • 66-70 years old – Premium x2 (P8,600.00)
  • 71-75 years old – Premium x3 (P12,900.00)
  • Dependents

  • Ages from 12 years and above
  • Loan Requirement

    1. Completely filled out loan application form
    2. Signed Request to deposit portion
    3. Latest SF Remittance Advise
    4. Other Sources of income (OSI), if required
    Latest Dummy Account
    Latest Remittance
    Latest Business Permit/DTI
    Copy of Rental Contract
    Latest Payslip Husband/Children
    5. Guarantee Checks (for SFD and OFT payments)
    6. Post-Dated Checks (for PDC payments)
    7. Filled-up insurance form for loans above 100K
    8. Photocopy of any valid ID
    Voter's ID
    Solo Parent ID
    Philippine Postal ID
    SSS ID
    Senior Citizen ID
    Driver`s License
    TIN ID
    Application with "INCOMPLETE REQUIREMENT" will not be processed.

    New Credit Classification of Members

    Particulars Diamond Gold Silver Bronze
    Length of Membership 10 years up 8-9 years 6-7 years 5 years
    Share Capital 1,000,001.00 & above 700,001 to 1M 500,001.00 to 700K 300K to 500K
    Loan Amount 6M 3.3M 2.240M 1.5M
    Max Amount (All Windows) x 3.5 of SC x 3.3 of SC x 3.2 of SC x 3 of SC
    Reinstatement 1 year 1 year 2 years 2 years

    1. Maximum loan amount per individual is increased to 6 million, previously 4 million.
    2. Maximum term from 72 months in regular terms to 84 months in paylite terms.
    3. Members with insufficient service fees are limited to only x2 and x2.5 in all loan windows.
    4. Seniors and members with existing health conditions under LPF may avail x2.5 in all loan windows.
    5. Supersedes resolutions entitled Guidelines on x2 Productive Loan and Platinum Card for Incorporators and Elite members.

    Loan Retention & Insurances

    Loan Retention

  • 2% retention rate shall be deducted from the approved loan and is added to the member’s share capital for continuous capital build-up or savings deposit.
  • applicable only to Productive, Special, Bridging and Productive back to back loans
  • Paid up Share Capital Retention Rate
    500k and below 1% to share capital
    1% to savings account
    501K and above 2% to savings account
    Note: No lock-in period for loan retention deposited to savings account

    Loan Insurances

    This is an essential product which provides protection and security to both MEMBERS and AIM-MPC.

    1. Maximum insurance coverage up to ten million.
    2. Age coverage is 18 to 65 years old.
    3. Optional insurance.
    4. Has a bonus benefit covering life, accident and total permanent disability.
    5. Premium rate is P 0.56/P1,000.00

  • For loans P101K above – with insurance form
  • P 100K & below – no evidence limit form. Automatic enrollment
  • LPPI Premium
  • Premium is computed in a yearly basis
  • First year premium is deducted from loan
  • Succeeding years’ premium should be issued with PDCs, in a diminishing rate
  • Premium rate is P 0.50/P 1,000.00
  • Formula: Loan amount / 1,000 x loan term x P 0.50

    Loan amount: P50,000.00
    Loan Term: 18 months


    P50,000 / P 1,000 = P50 x 18 months
    = P900 x P 0.50
    = P450

    Loan Protection Fund (LPF)

    In-house loan insurance coverage for members who are:

  • not covered by LPPI (65 years above)
  • with health problems
  • Term of Loan Premium Rate/Thousand
    1 - 6 months P 1.00
    7 - 12 months P 1.25
    13 - 18 months P 1.30
    19 - 24 months P 1.40
    25 months & above P 1.50

    Loan balance less member’s share capital will be covered by LPF.

    Loan balance: P300,000.00
    Share Capital: P200,000.00
    Remaining balance covered by LPF: P100,000.00

    Optional application on the following loans:

  • Loans within the members’ share capital
  • Back to Back Loans
  • Note:
    Loans not insured shall be deducted against the members’ share capital if something untoward happens to the member.

    Loan Renewal & Restructuring

    Loan Renewal

    This may be granted upon 50% payment of existing loan, except for Regular Member B and Associate Members’ Back-to-Back Loan.
    On PRODUCTIVE LOAN only- Borrower is entitled for a REBATE on advanced interest collected after paying 50% of the productive loan balance.

  • 30% shall be passed on as miscellaneous income of AIM-MPC
  • 70% shall be credited to the borrower’s share capital
  • Sample Data

    Loan Restructuring

  • Granted to members having trouble paying their monthly amortization.
  • Restructured loans are computed based on the member’s capability. The principal amount plus interest, and penalty computed to ease members’ paying capacity.
  • Restructuring can be done only twice to avoid abuse by members, contrary to its objective of coping up with their payment.
  • Renewable at 70% payment
  • Reduced interests and penalties to as low as the following:

  • 9% interest p.a., diminishing, if paid within a year
  • 8% interest p.a., diminishing, if paid within two years
  • 7% interest p.a., diminishing, if paid within three years
  • 6% interest p. a., diminishing, if paid within four years
  • This program will:

  • Impact one’s MIGS
  • Loan renewal not allowed; and
  • Disqualify members to avail all other loan windows
  • Subject to a new insurance coverage, with total premiums added to the principal amount. Loan Restructuring shall apply only to one or more loans totaling P100,000.00 and above.

    Past Due Accounts and Penalty

    Past Due Accounts

    Amortization not paid on due date and loan term.
    Types of PDA:

  • Delayed Accounts – are accounts not paid on or before due date.
  • Matured Accounts – are accounts not paid after the loan term period.
  • 3.5% penalty will be based on the face amount of bounced check/s and unpaid dues via online fund transfer

    Loan Balance/Reversal

    Members have the option to deduct their outstanding balances from the proceeds of their loan renewal.

    All loans not claimed within a month shall be subject to cancellation or reversal charges, which is P5.00 for every P1,000.00 loan amount.

    Unpaid amortizations deducted from loan renewal shall be due and demandable upon reversal of accounts. Should be paid in cash or via online fund transfer.

    Legal Actions

    Accounts not paid on time shall undergo the following process prior to the filing of legal actions within the five (5) working days grace period

    1. The Accounting Assistant sends reminder through call or text
    2. The General Manager will send spur collection letter
    3. The GM sends demand letter signed by the co-operative’s legal counsel
    4. If borrower fails to pay despite due notice, legal case shall be filed through the proper courts.

    Twilight Program

    New Member/Secondary Old Damayan Member
    Membership Fee 500.00 exempted
    Savings Deposit 1,000.00 each 1,000.00
    Death P50.00 x No. of Members
    Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) P25.00 x No. of Members
    Death after TPD P25.00 x No. of Members
    Legal spouse/co-applicant One of the parents One of the children
    One of the children One of the siblings One of the parents
    One of the parents One of the cousins One of the siblings
    One of the grandchildren One of the cousins


  • If a primary or secondary member passes away, his/her membership ceases. Then the successor will be treated as a new member.
  • In case of death of delinquent members, proceeds of benefits will be applied to his/her outstanding balance in the absence of loan insurance.
  • A terminated member due to delinquent payment of accounts can re-apply after one year from the date of termination as a new member, as long as he/she has fully paid the delinquent account.
  • Additional Guidelines

  • Open to family members with 5K share capital, provided not a secondary member.
  • Mode of Payment: Savings deduction, cash, and PDC ONLY
  • Enrolling new member should have no major health concerns, with age limit from 18-70 years old, and must undergo a 6-month contestability period from enrolment.
  • Regular and family (associate) members can sponsor or enrol only ONE (1) secondary member.
  • Unpaid TP Savings replenishment is set every January and July or until P500.00 TP savings is consumed, otherwise member will be terminated from TP.
  • Replenishment

  • Direct deposit to Twilight Program China Bank Account No.2220-6007-12
    * Member must send a corresponding bank deposit slip through messenger or AIM-MPC’s FB group page, with name written on the slip
  • Savings deduction
  • Dated check payable to AIM-MPC
  • Loan proceeds upon members’ written request
  • Surviving family must submit a doctor’s certificate with PTR and license numbers, medical abstract, and death certificate for death or TPD claims.
  • Submission of false information like fake documents are grounds for termination from the program and may void claim, also face legal actions.
  • TP List of Illnesses

    Major health conditions excluded for TP enrolment

    1. Heart Attack 20. Stroke
    2. Cancer 21. Kidney Failure
    3. Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm 22. End Stage Lung Disease
    4. Progressive Muscular Atrophy 23. Major Burns
    5. Multilple Sclerosis 24. Paralysis
    6. One Eye or Total Blindness 25. Loss of Limbs
    7. Aplastic Anemia 26. Bacterial Meningitis
    8. Benign Brain Tumor 27. Deafness
    9. Encephalitis 28. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
    10. Progressive Bulbar Palsy (PBP) 29. Meningeal Tuberculosis
    11. Celebral Metastasis 30. Loss of Speech
    12. Coma 31. Parkinson's Disease
    13. Terminal Illness 32. Medullary Cystic Disease
    14. Alzheimer's Disease 33. Fulminant Hepatitis
    15. Major Head Trauma 34. End Stage Liver Failure
    16. Motor Neuron Disease 35. Guillain-Barre Syndrome
    17. Major Organ Transplant 36. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
    18. Surgery for Disease of the Aorta (Aortic Surgery) 37. Lupus
    19. Replacement of Heart Valve

    Member benefits

    Birthday Gift

  • MIGS member will receive cash equivalent to Php300 on their birth month as part of their members’ benefit from AIM-MPC.
  • Birthday gift will be deposited in members’ savings account deposit, and receiving members will be notified via messenger or via text that they are receiving birthday gift of Php300
  • LOA of members of at least one year will be the basis in granting this members’ benefit
  • Lifetime Membership


  • For REGULAR MEMBERS – must establish twelve (12) years continuous
  • For OFFICERS – must establish eight (8) years uninterrupted tenure of service.
  • MUST be a member-in-good-standing (MIGS) during residency


  • Retained membership even if one is no longer a Sales Leader, unless opted to withdraw
  • Avail products and services
  • Receive dividends (ISC and PR)
  • Run for elective and appointive posts
  • All other benefits and privileges being enjoyed by a regular member
  • Learning Development:

  • For REGULAR and ASSOCIATE members and officers
  • Initiated by the Education Committee for members’ and officers’ growth and development
  • Dividends

    Interest on Share Capital (ISC) and Patronage Refund (PR)

    ALL MEMBERS shall receive DIVIDENDS thru

  • INTEREST on SHARE CAPITAL (ISC) for their continuous monthly share capital contribution.
  • PATRONAGE REFUND (PR) for patronizing cooperative products and services.
  • Distribution is done during the


    *** No Records ***

    Contact Us


    Samat Place 884 Samat St., Brgy. Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City, 1550



    Landline: Mobile:
    02 8535-7969 0908-8202614
    02 8254-4201 0917-5178903
    02 7771-7093 0917-5452414

    Business Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

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    BC REPORT - PROV 2 pages Download
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